Use the check-out feature when you want to start to update a file. Checking out a file locks the file to only be available to be edited or updated by you. Checked out files are locked to you to allow you to update the file contents. Other Synergy users will only be able to download copies of the current file version until you have finished making changes to the file and have checked-in the new version of document.
- Go to: Documents tab
- Locate the folder that contains the file that you want to update.
- Click the row action button > and select 'check-out for edit'.
- The file is locked to you for edit, and is updated to show the checked out symbol in the list view.
- Update the file as required, then save the updated file to your local device.
Next steps:
- Check-in the updated file to create a new file version in Synergy.
- Or cancel the file check-out to allow other users access to edit the file and upload new versions.
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