Each new personnel record created defaults to use the 'active' status, which allows the record to be used on projects, invoices, and expenses (bills). Change the personnel status to 'on-hold' to stop the record being attached to any future records created in Synergy, or use the 'inactive' status to stop record creation and remove the personnel from drop down lists.
- Check the box for each personnel record to apply the status update to.
- Click the multi rows action button and select
- The 'set as not active' option to change the status to inactive.
- The 'set as active' option to change the status to active.
- The personnel tab is updated to only show the 'active' records.
- Custom contact status options can also be added to control the personnel contact actions in synergy. *This feature is available with the Synergy Business or Enterprise products.*
- Changing the status to 'on-hold' is only available in the edit contact or personnel view.
- Use the search and filter options to see 'all' personnel records in the tab.
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