Select the edit button on a work breakdown row to open the edit page. The details that can be changed vary if you are updating a phase, stage or task. Update the details as required and click the save button to apply the changes. Below is an overview of what each of the fields on the phase, stage and task details pages are used for in Synergy.
- Phase details
- Phase name the name of the phase group that appears in the work breakdown, and on project invoices. Update the name and when any documents are re-printed the newly updated name will be shown in the document outputs.
- Position this shows the current phase number applied. Select a different position and the open phase will be place after the selected item.
- Description text field used to store an overview of the phase scope of works that can be printed on Synergy documents.
- Stage details
- Stage name type the name of the project stage. This can be updated as required, to reflect the name of the stage required to appear on the client invoice.
- Stage progress bar this is the percentage the PM estimates this stage is to completion. This links to the project performance slider and is used to calculate the CPI and SPI.
- When you mark a stage as 100% using the status progress bar, the completed date field (see below) will change to the date you mark this as 100% complete. All EVM calculations will lock at this point, until you move either the status progress bar or the performance slider. The performance slider will also move to 100%.
- Stage color the stage grouping arrow in the read only view is shown with the color. In the editor update the color by selecting the circle with the current stage color is shown next to the stage name. Click the circle and select an alternate color. The stage color chosen will be applied to any new tasks added to this stage s the default color. The stage color is also shown as the progress bar color for the stage in the work breakdown.
- Position the current position of the stage is shown. Select a different position for this stage in the drop down list if required. The stage will be placed after the item selected.
- Manager the stage manager defaults to be the project manager. Select an alternate staff member to be the stage manager if required. The stage manager can be any active staff member.
- Status the status for the stage is shown to show what actions are available for the stage and linked tasks. Select an alternate stage status from the drop down list if required. For example active stages can have invoices created, and completed stages cannot have invoices created. Learn more about the project and stage status options.
- When a stage is marked as unsuccessful, calculations for this stage are not included in the project performance page.
- Cost center the stage cost center is used to show which department or business unit the revenue for this stage should be attributed against. The cost center is used for revenue reporting, and for interfacing data to your financial system. Select an alternate cost center from the list if required. Learn more about cost centers.
- Discipline the stage discipline is used for reporting and interfacing data to your financial system. Select the type of business or revenue stream that this stage of the project relates to. Learn more about disciplines.
- Tax rule the default tax rule is applied to the newly created stage. Adjust this to an alternate tax rule if required. This controls the tax value applied on this invoice for this project stage of work. Each stage can have a different tax rate applied if required such as Tax applicable and Tax free. Learn more about tax rules.
- Fee type (and linked fee fields) select the billing or invoicing method to be used for each stage. The initial stage created for a project is set to be 'fixed fee' type. Any further stages added to the project default to the hourly rates fee type. Alter the stage to have the required fee type. You can have a mixture of fee types on the stages within the project and withing each phase grouping if required. Learn more about stage fee types.
- Fee type this field is shown for the 'fixed fee' and 'percent of contract' fee types. For fixed fee type this is the set maximum agreed value that will be invoiced to the client. For percent of contract fee type this value is automatically calculated as (contract value / contact %).
- Contract% this field is shown for 'percent of contract' fee type only. This is the total contract value for the project as a whole. This value is entered to be used to calculate the stage fee value with the contract % of works that this stage represents for the overall contract.
- Cap this field is shown for the 'capped rates' fee type only. This is the maximum or cap value that invoices can be create up to for this stage.
- Client reference number optional field used to store an external reference number for the stage that has been provided by the client. This client reference number can be displayed on proposal and invoice document templates, and shown in reports.
- Start dateSelect the expected start date for the stage from the calender, or type the date into the field. Only editable in Synergy Enterprise
- End dateSelect the expected start/end date for the stage, or type the date into the field. Only editable in Synergy Enterprise.
- Completed dateThis is the date that the stage progress bar was moved to 100%. This field is also editable (in Synergy Enterprise). The stage status bar will also move to 100% if a date is entered here (except for unsuccessful stages). When you make a stage unsuccessful, the date is recorded, EV is not set to 100% - it is left as is. Pending invoice or complete - progress bar will go to 100% and completed date is recorded as the day you change your status.
- For example, you may have finished the work on 1st July, so you drag the slider to complete. You then invoice on the 10th of July, and receive payment on 14 July – the date you receive payment might be your company policy. In this case you will need to manually input 14 July in the completed field.
- Restrict to specific tasks this checkbox controls which tasks are available for this stage when staff are entering timesheets. If checked then only custom tasks added (which are shown on this tab) are available for timesheet entry. If unchecked then both the custom tasks on this tab, and the standard timesheet tasks will be available for staff to use in their timesheets. By default this option is unchecked. Learn more about the standard timesheet tasks.
- Stage scope of worksany information added to the description can be shown on Synergy documents or on reports. The description is used to outline the stage level scope of works.
- Notes use the notes tab to track details about phone calls, meetings, or other general details about the stage. Learn more about using project and stage notes.
- Extra data if you use custom fields, you will find them under this tab.
- Tags store extra details about the stage as a tag for reporting and searching purposes. Type the tag text and press enter or type a comma to complete the tag. Repeat for each tag required on the stage.
- Task details
- Task name: the name of the task or step in the project. Type a name here to be shown to the staff within the work breakdown and when entering timesheets.
- Task progress: update the progress once the task works have been completed. There are 10 sections in the progress bar each to represent 10% of the task being completed. Set the task to 100% complete to let the team know the task has been completed.
- Task color: a circle with the current task color is shown next to the task name. Click the circle to select an alternate color. The task color is used within the work breakdown view and on the progress bar for the task.
- Stage name: the stage that the task is linked to is shown. Select an alternate stage name from the drop down list if you require to change which stage the task is linked to.
- Position: where the task is currently located within the stage. Adjust the position of the task by selecting an another existing task from the list, and the task will be moved to be shown after that item upon save.
- Due date: set the due date for the task by typing a date or using the calendar selector. If the task is assigned to you with a set due date, then the item is shown in the tasks and reminders panel on the dashboard. The task defaults to be due 'today' when you click into the date field. Adjust using the calendar to the real due date for that stage task.
- Description: type more details about the task to be completed to be viewed by the internal project team, or shown to the client on Synergy document.
- Tags: type any extra data required for the task as a tag. Type a tag and press enter or type a comma, to have the text saved as a tag. Repeat for each required tag. Tags can be shown on the reports, and on Synergy documents.
- Phase level grouping is only shown in the Synergy Business and Enterprise products.
- Phases, stages and tasks are shown in the summary view, and the details view only shows phases and stages.
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