If your organization has multiple offices, you can customize the prefix using different project numbering formats, so you know from which office the project originated eg. SYD for all Sydney projects, and MEL for all Melbourne projects. How the project inherits the numbering changes depending on what action the user is doing.
If a staff member has a project numbering format linked, any new projects created by the staff member will use this numbering format by default. You can change the prefix by using the drop-down from the Project details.
If the staff member doesn't have a project numbering format selected, then new projects will use the numbering format configured under the project office. See staff details.
If the project numbering format of the project has an invoice number attached, then this is used eg. INV-0001
If the project numbering format of the project does not have an invoice number attached, then the office's invoice number is used eg SYD-0001.
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