Add a timer
- In the header, click the timer button.
- In the 'add timer' window that opens, type a note to describe the task you are doing in the 'what are you working on?' field.
- (Optional) Select the project that you are working on for this task. You can also do this from the timesheets page.
- (Optional) If applicable, you can type the number of minutes you have already worked on this task.
- Click the start timer button.
Repeat a task using the paused timer history
Timers can be restarted if you continue the task later in the day, or repeat the task on a different date.
- In the header, click the timer button.
- Locate the timer in the 'Running timers' list and click the restart button for that entry.
If your task is not visible. Adjust the paused timers filter that will let you find the timer you want to delete. You can filter by the current week, the previous week or all entries.
Add paused timer(s) to staff timesheets
After you have finished the task, add the timer to your staff timesheets. This can either be done by opening the timers list, or clicking the word timesheets in the row you want to add. The timesheets option on the timer row is only shown if a project was selected for that timer.
You will then see the timed entry in the timers section of Timesheets. Click on the addition symbol to move it to the current week.
Edit a paused timer
You can change the title describing the timed task, or the project that the timer is linked to.
- In the header navigation, click the timer button. The 'add timer' window that opens.
In the Running timers section, find the timed task you want to edit. Use the filter option if necessary.
In the ellipsis menu, click Edit details to change the description of the task or the project.
You can click on Edit times to manually change the recorded time you were working on the task.
- Repeat for any other timers you want to update or edit.
Tip: You can also edit the paused timer details when adding the paused timer to your timesheets.
Delete a paused timer
Remove timers from the paused list if you have already added the timer to your timesheet, or if it was created by mistake.
- In the top toolbar click the timer button.
- In the 'add timer' window that opens, find the timed task you want to delete in the Running timers section. Use the filter option if necessary.
- In the ellipsis menu, click delete for the entry you want deleted.
- Repeat for any other timers you want to remove from the timers list.
Tip: You can also delete timers from the paused list in the timers section of the timesheets page.
Filter paused timers
Use the filters in the paused timers panel to toggle which items are shown in the list. Options available are:
- This week
- Last week
- All time
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