A credit note document is automatically when the credit note is finalized. Learn more about how to edit, share, or email the credit note document to the client(s).
Setup required before use | Who can use it? | Where is it? |
Assistant project manager* Project manager Director access Assistant system administrators System administrator
*Unable to finalize credit notes.
Project > Invoices tab > Open credit note |
- Learn more about setting up credit note document templates.
- Find out about viewing the shared credit note in the project portal.
- Read more about invoice documents.
What are credit note documents?
Credit note documents are automatically created when the 'draft credit note' is saved, or the credit note is 'finalized'. Click the thumbnail image of the credit note to open a image preview of the credit note document. The credit note document is created using the 'default' credit note document template for your organization. Default templates are selected by the Synergy System Administrator in the setup area for document templates. After finalizing the credit note you can further edit the document, by downloading the credit note and adjusting the content if required before uploading a new version.
Once the final credit note document has been uploaded you can then:
- Share this with the client to the project portal (recommended)
- Email the credit note document to the client as a PDF attachment
- Download the file to print an send by post / mail
Why use credit note documents?
Send a credit note document to the client to show that the original invoice has been discounted. Options to get the credit note document to the client are to print and post the document, share the document to the project portal, or send as an email attachment.
Actions available
When creating a credit note the document is automatically created each time:
- A draft credit is saved
- A credit note is finalized
The credit note document is created using the 'default' template for credit notes setup by your Synergy System Administrator in the document templates setup area. After finalizing the credit note a PDF version is created for each credit note version uploaded. The WordDOCX file and the PDF files are automatically saved in the Project > Invoices folder.
After the credit note has been created you can optionally chose to customize the contents by:
- Download the credit note DOCX file
- Edit the DOCX file as required
- Upload the updated DOCX file to create a new file version
- Reset the layout back to the default contents (removing any customizations)
- Switch the document template used for creating the credit note document*
(* This feature is available in Synergy Business and Enterprise products only.)
Tip: Previous credit note versions are kept and available to download. This lets you compare the contents that were changed between each of the credit note file versions if required.
A PDF version of the credit note is created automatically for each finalized credit. A new version of the PDF files is created each time a new credit note file version that is uploaded. You can download the latest PDF file version by selecting the download button in the credit note image box.
Tip: You can find all the PDF versions of the credit note in the Project > Documents tab > Invoices folder.
Use this option to download a Word DOCX file for the current credit note version. Update the downloaded file to edit the header and footer, or add extra text or notes or images into the credit note document that was created to match the Synergy credit note template.
- Go to Project > Invoices tab.
- Click on the credit note row for which you want to download the document.
- In the credit note document preview panel click the more actions button .
- Select the 'download docx' option.
- The PDF credit note file will be downloaded and saved into the 'downloads' folder on your device.
- The downloaded file can be printed and posted to the client if required.
Tip: Remember to upload the new DOCX version after you have made all the required changes.
The downloaded Word DOCX file can be edited to include extra content, or adjust the headers and footers. After you have added the extra content into the Word document you can upload the file back to Synergy to create a new file version.
Create a new credit note version by uploading the DOCX file by:
- Go to Project > invoices tab.
- Open the credit for which you want to update the credit note DOCX file.
- Click the more options button in the credit note image panel, and select 'upload docx'.
- Click the 'choose file' button in the attach file box, and browse to the folder location of the DOCX file.
- Select the file in the list and choose to 'open' the file to add it to the upload window.
- (Optional) Type a comment to explain the reason for the updated file version.
- Click the 'upload new version' button.
- The credit note page is updated to show the new credit note image thumbnail automatically.
- The upload process will warn you any document template bookmarks have been deleted. This gives you the opportunity to cancel and go back to the document to check the Synergy bookmarks, or re-download the DOCX file an re-apply the changes without removing the required bookmarks.
- Use the 'reset layout' option if you have updated the original credit note by mistake, and want to go back to the default credit note layout created by Synergy.
Use this feature when you have uploaded a new credit note version by mistake. Reset the layout and the credit note document is re-created using the default credit note template.
Reset back to the default credit note template by:
- Go to project > invoices tab.
- Open the credit note for which you want to reset the document.
- Click the more options button against the credit note image panel, and select 'reset layout'.
- On the confirmation pop-up, click OK to confirm you want to replace the existing credit note layout with a new document created using the default credit note template.
- The credit note panel refreshes after a few moments to show the new credit note image. Click the image to open it and view the details, or download the credit note document.
Tip: The Synergy System Administrator selects the default credit note template when setting up the word document templates.
*This feature is available with the Synergy Business or Enterprise products.*
If you have multiple credit note layouts setup in Synergy, then you can use this option to change this document to be created by a different layout. The credit notes are always created using the 'default' credit note template option, but this can be adjusted after to use a different layout if required.
Change the credit note to use a different document template layout by:
- Open the Project > Invoices tab.
- Open the credit note row for which you want to change the credit note document.
- Click the more options button in the credit note preview panel, and select the 'switch layout' option.
- A card is shown for each invoice template option available, with a description of the template and an image preview.
- Click the card for the template you want to use.
- The document is updated to use the new document template.
Tip: Use the 'versions' option to find any previously created credit note versions.
A new credit note version is created each time:
- A draft credit note is created or edited
- A credit note is finalized
- The finalized credit note has the date or number modified
- A new DOCX file version is uploaded
Find the existing file versions for the credit note by:
- Open the project > invoices tab.
- Click to open the credit note row which you want to check the document versions against.
- Click the more options button in the credit note preview panel.
- Select the 'versions' option in this list to see a drop down list showing all of the credit note versions available. The version number, created date, upload DOCX comment, and created by details are all shown in this drop down list.
Tip: Document versions can also be seen in the project > documents tab. Click on the file in the list to open it and see a list of the alternate file versions.
Send out the credit note document to the client using the share or email options. The share option will send the client an email letting them know they can download the credit note from the project portal. The email option will send the credit note to the client as a PDF attachment. Both the share and email PDF options can be used at the same time if required.
Share the credit note document by:
- Open the project > invoices tab.
- Select the credit note row to open it and view the details.
- Click the 'share' button in the top right corner.
- The sharing window is shown, and the credit note 'attention to' contact is shown by default. Update how the credit note will be sent to this contact by:
- Portal - Check the 'share' box to have this credit note show in the portal. Select the portal access level from the drop down list. Recommended to leave this option checked to allow the contact to see the credit note in the project portal.
- Email PDF - This option defaults to none, which means the credit note is not sent as an attachment. Select one of the email options to send the file as an attachment: To, Cc, or Bcc.
- (Optional) Share the credit note with more project contacts. Click into the 'contact' field and select a project contact from the list. Then for each extra contact added choose if the credit note will be shared to the portal, emailed as a PDF, or both.
- Save.
Tip: The credit note can only be seen in the portal by external contacts that you 'shared' the file with.
Shared with - see who the credit note is shared with
In the open credit note window you can view how many people the credit note is shared with in the 'credit details' panel. Click the edit pencil button next to the number of contacts, to open a window that lets you view who the credit note has been shared with.
Use the 'shared with' window to:
- Remove sharing access by clicking the 'x' on the row.
- Add additional contacts to share the credit note document with.
- Resend the credit note PDF as an email attachment to the client.
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