You can see your staff list in Organisation menu > Staff.
Staff records are used when assigning your staff onto tasks in the work breakdown and planning board.
The mandatory fields you will need to complete are name, work email address, security access level, primary rate, and salary details.
When you import staff, the office selected is based on the login users' primary office.
Six steps to importing staff
Go to the Staff sheet in the Staff Excel file. The column names from Synergy are shown, to show you what you can copy from your external system using this Excel import.
- Do not adjust the column names.
- Do not adjust the order of the columns.
Use an excel export feature in your current system to get an excel style output with all your existing staff details. This could mean you export the staff details from your accounting system, MS Outlook, or another CRM software package.
Compare the data in your Excel file to the Synergy Excel template, and check which columns are required (blue columns) and which can be left blank (green columns).
- Copy the data into the Synergy Excel template, making sure that you keep the column headers intact.
- Only copy data below the header section.
- The email addresses entered must be unique. You cannot have more than one staff member with the same email address.
- The 'Unique ID' column must be unique. We suggest entering S-0002 on the first record and dragging it down to auto-complete a unique number on all the records.
- Set the 'Security Level' to be any of the following values: User, Assistant project manager, Project manager, Director access, or System administrator. Check the security matrix to see what each access level can do in Synergy in the Settings > Organisation > Security matrix.
- In the 'Reports to' column type the email address of the person that is the staff members manager. The manager must already exist in Synergy as a staff member or be included in the Excel file with this as their primary email address.
- The 'Default Rate' column is the Primary Rate name which the staff member will be charged out with. Additional rates can be added to the staff record after the import.
- The 'Salary Type' column allows the values: salary, contractor, or hourly cost.
- For salary type 'salary' enter the annual package (including superannuation or pension fund contributions) in the 'Salary Package / hourly rate' column.
- For salary types 'contractor' or 'hourly cost', enter the pay rate per hour in the 'Salary Package / hourly rate' column. For contractors, this is excluding superannuation or pension fund contributions value.
- The optional 'cost' and 'calendar' columns when left blank will add the 'default settings' from the Financial controls set up area. For example, if in your financial controls your hours per week is set to 37.5 hours then the working hours per weekday will default to 7.5 hours per day, Monday to Friday work week. Add values in these columns if you require a different value.
- Contractor 'Salary type' does not allow values to be imported for 'Cost - Extras' or 'Cost - Super' for Australian organisations.
- Hourly rate 'Salary type' does not allow values to be imported for the columns 'Cost- Extras', 'Cost - Super', 'Cost - Hours per year', 'Cost - Availabilty', 'Cost - Overhead adjustment', and 'Cost - Target utilisation'.
- The columns 'Cost - Extras' and 'Cost - Super' are only available for Australian organisations. For all other regions, the values in these columns are ignored on import.
- The default project number prefix is available for Synergy Enterprise product only. Enter the project prefix like 2018 or SYD or LON. Set up project prefixes in Settings > Organisation > Project numbers.
- Multiple tags can be entered. A Comma separates the entries in these fields when this is required. e.g. Tag1, Tag2, Tag3.
Import the Excel template in Synergy
- Login to Synergy and select the 'Data imports' option from the main menu. This option is also available in the getting started guide.
- Make sure the Staff tab is selected.
- Click The 'Upload' option then select to 'add files' to select your completed Excel file.
- Browse to the location that you saved this completed Excel file, and select to open the file.
- The staff import preview will then check your results, to let you review the data before it is imported.
- Skip any lines in the preview window that you don't want to import. Any lines that have an error are automatically skipped.
- Click the Import button to import all the non-skipped items. The staff have now been created in Synergy.
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