What are timesheets?
- Use timesheets to record how many hours you have spent working on project tasks. When the timesheet is entered and linked to a project, a transaction is created. Find transactions in Project > Financials > Transactions.
- Use the Internal project to record time spent on non-billable internal tasks such as general administration or annual leave.
- Use the history rows to quickly enter a new weekly timesheet using projects previously entered in the last week, or create a timesheet entry by adding the tasks using timers.
Getting started with timesheets
Setup required before use | Who can use it? | Where is it? |
User Assistant project manager Project manager Director access Assistant administrator System administrator |
Timesheets |
- Use timers to track how long a task takes to complete, and easily add this timer to your weekly timesheet.
- Use the timesheet history to create the timesheet row with the same details as a previous week.
Do you have an expense needing reimbursement? Enter these in cash and travel expenses.
- Block time and expenses being entered in a closed financial period by setting the lock date (available for System Administrators).
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