Use standard project tasks to create the options shown for standard tasks to your staff when used for entering timesheets for project. This feature creates the default list of tasks shown for each stage of a project.
Tip: Setup the default tasks for the internal project in the office tasks topic.
What are standard project tasks?
Standard project tasks describes what project work the staff member completed, and are used when the staff member enters their timesheets. Timesheet entry requires that they select a project, stage, and a task, where the task is the activity they were completing for the stage. e.g. Design, drafting, inspection, meeting, QA, report, research.
The timesheet tasks added here are available in all projects stages by default. When you add the standard task to your timesheet, the task is automatically added to the stage in the project work breakdown. The tasks included in the work breakdown for a stage are available to select when entering timesheets.
Within the project work breakdown you can override this default list of tasks, and add custom tasks specific to that stage of the project.
Why use timesheet tasks?
Describe the work your organization completes within most project stages by setting up a default list of project tasks, for use with timesheet entry, and project planning in the work breakdown area.
Actions available
- Go to: Settings > Timesheet lists > Standard project tasks.
- Click the 'Add' button in the top right corner.
- Type a 'name' for the task. e.g. design, meetings, QA, inspections.
- Check the utilized box if the task is for billable project work, and should counts towards the staff members productivity calculation. For non-billable tasks leave this box unchecked.
- Save and close.
Delete a timesheet task if it has not been used on any project stages, project budgets, or staff timesheets. Delete a timesheet task by:
- Go to: Settings > Timesheet lists > Standard project tasks and use one of the following methods:
- Single row - Click the row action button and select 'delete'.
- Multi row - Select the check box(es) on the row left for each item you want to delete. Then click the multiple rows action button and choose 'delete'.
- The list refreshes and the item(s) have been removed.
Tip: Unable to delete a timesheet task? Mark the item as inactive to remove it from drop down lists.
Make a timesheet task inactive to stop the item from being added to future created project stages, and also remove from drop down lists. The task is not removed from any existing project stages. Make a timesheet task inactive if it has already been used in a project stage, project budget, or included in a staff timesheet. Change a timesheet task to inactive by:
- Go to: Settings > Timesheet lists > Standard project tasks, and use one of the following methods.
- Single row - Click the row action button and select 'edit'. Uncheck the 'active' box, and then save and close.
- Multi row - In the list check the box(es) on the left of the name column, and then click the multi rows action button . Choose the 'set as not active' option.
- The list refreshes and only the active items remain in the list.
- Use the list filter 'all' to find both active and inactive timesheet tasks.
- A strike-out style is applied to rows that are inactive.
Update an existing task to change the name shown in drop-down lists, or if the task counts as utilized time.
- Go to: Settings > Timesheet lists > Standard project tasks.
- Click the row you want to update, or click the action button on the row and select 'edit'.
- Update the task name, or utilization Y / N checkbox as required.
- Save and close.
When a large number of items exist use the search or filter options to limit the number of rows shown in the list.
Search by clicking the search button and typing the keyword into the search box. To return to seeing all items in the list click the clearbutton in the search bar.
Tip: Learn more about searching with the list search or the global search.
Filter the list by selecting the search button . See the available filters by clicking the word 'active'. Select a filter from the drop down list and click the search button to apply the filter. The filter options are:
- Active - the default list filter that shows the items that can be used (seen in drop down lists).
- Inactive - see the items that can no longer be used, and are only shown when still linked to existing records.
- All - see both active and inactive items in the list.
Tip: Return to the default view by choosing the clear button in the search bar.
Sample timesheet tasks are created with each new organization to provide. Use these samples as ideas of what default items that your the staff require to enter in their timesheets for project billable tasks. Delete or make inactive any of the timesheet tasks that are not required.
Name | Utilized |
CAD / plan preparation | Y |
Calculations | Y |
Client liaison | Y |
Design | Y |
Drafting | Y |
Inspection | Y |
Meeting | Y |
Phone call | Y |
Project management | Y |
QA | Y |
Redesign | Y |
Report | Y |
Research | Y |
Review / checking | Y |
Site visit | Y |
Specifications | Y |
Submissions | Y |
Travel | Y |
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