Used to define the type of business or activity for each project stage. Create the disciplines for grouping revenue on reports, or for mapping data (using account codes) to the matching account in your accounting system if using Accounting add-ons.
Setup required before use | Who can use it? | Where is it? |
n/a |
Assistant administrator System administrator |
Settings > Project lists > Disciplines |
Tip: Assign a discipline to each stage in the work breakdown templates.
What are Disciplines?
Disciplines are attached to project stages to allow reporting on the revenue earned for a business type or revenue stream. A Discipline is created for each type of business that the company requires to report, such as: structural, civil, architectural, interiors, environmental, and project management. A different discipline can be assigned to each project stage, which means that different disciplines can be assigned to each of the stages within the one project. Display the discipline information in reports to view all the stage details in one place, i.e. costs, fees, invoice revenue and expenses by disciplines.
If using Accounting add-ons to send invoice or expense data to your accounting system, the discipline can be used to store the account code. The account code is used to define which account in MYOB or Xero that the data should be linked.
Sample disciplines are created when setting up an organization based on the 'industry type' selected. Delete or make 'inactive' any of these sample disciplines that are not required.
Why use disciplines?
Track the project stage revenue separately for each type of business or revenue stream.
Actions available
- Go to: Settings > Project lists > Disciplines.
- Click the 'Add' button in the top right corner.
- Type a short 'code' for the discipline. e.g. 'ARCH' for architecture, or 'ENG' for engineering.
- Type a 'name' for the discipline. e.g. Architecture or engineering.
- (Optional) Type the account code to map where the data will be transferred to by Accounting add-ons. i.e. 4-1000 for MYOB AccountRight Live, or 200 for Xero.
- (Optional) Check the default box and each new project stage will have this discipline assigned by default.
- Save and close.
Delete a discipline if it has not been used on any project stages. Delete a discipline by:
- Go to: Settings > Project lists > Disciplines and use one of the following methods:
- Single row - Click the row action button and select 'delete'.
- Multi-row - Select the checkbox(es) on the row left for each item you want to delete. Then click the multiple rows action button and choose 'delete'.
- The list refreshes and the item(s) have been removed.
Tip: Unable to delete a Discipline? Mark the discipline as inactive to remove it from drop-down lists.
Make the discipline inactive to stop the discipline from being used on future project stages, and also remove from drop-down lists. A Discipline cannot be deleted if it has already been assigned to any project stage. Change a discipline to inactive by:
- Go to: Settings > Project lists > Disciplines, and use one of the following methods.
- Single row - Click the row action button and select 'edit'. Uncheck the 'active' box, and then save and close.
- Multi-row - In the list check the box(es) on the left of the name column, and then click the multi rows action button. Choose 'Set as not active' option.
- The list refreshes and only the active items remain in the list.
- Use the list filter 'all' to find both active and inactive disciplines.
- A strike-out style is applied to rows that are inactive.
Update an existing discipline to change the code or name shown in drop-down lists.
- Go to: Settings > Project lists > Disciplines.
- Click the row you want to update, or click the action button on the row and select 'edit'.
- Update the discipline code, name, or account code as required.
- Save and close.
Tip: Change the name and this updates all historical data to show the new discipline details.
When a large number of items exist use the search or filter options to limit the number of rows shown in the list.
Search by clicking the search button and typing the keyword into the search box. To return to seeing all items in the list click the clear button in the search bar.
Tip: Learn more about searching with the list search or the global search.
Filter the list by selecting the search button. See the available filters by clicking the word 'active'. Select a filter from the drop-down list and click the search button to apply the filter. The filter options are:
- Active - the default list filter that shows the items that can be used (seen in drop-down lists).
- Inactive - see the items that can no longer be used, and are only shown when still linked to existing records.
- All - see both active and inactive items in the list.
Tip: Return to the default view by choosing the clear button in the search bar.
Each stage in a project will have a cost centre (location) and discipline (business type) attached. Cost centres describe the division of the company which this revenue is linked to. Disciplines outline the type of business. Each invoice, bill, or staff expense created in Synergy is allocated to a stage, which always has both a cost centre and discipline assigned. Cost centres and disciplines can be used to map the location that invoice data is transferred to in your accounting system using Accounting add-ons.
Each staff expense or bill (supplier expense) has an expense type assigned. Used to group together similar types of staff or supplier expenses (i.e. couriers, travel, subcontractors). The account code entered on each type is used to map these similar expense items to the matching location in your accounting system using account codes.
- MYOB AccountRight Live > Income codes = 4-1100, 4-1200, and Expense codes = 5-1100, 6-2100.
- Xero > Sales revenue account = 200, Supplier Expenses account = 300, and Staff Expenses account = 429.
Add account codes to cost centre, disciplines, or expenses to map where your invoice or expense data should be transferred to in your accounting system. Learn more about this account codes in the configuring Accounting add-ons topic.
Sample disciplines are created based on the 'industry type' selected when creating a new organization. Delete or make inactive any of the disciplines that are not required. Disciplines created with a new organization are:
Discipline samples (by Industry type) |
General | Architect | Engineer | Construction | Environmental | Urban Planners | Project Management | Survey |
Accessibility | Y | Y | ||||||
Advisory services | Y | Y | Y | |||||
Aquatic ecology | Y | |||||||
Arboriculture | Y | |||||||
Architecture | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
Architecture - Interior design | Y | |||||||
Architecture - Landscape design | Y | |||||||
Boundary surveying | Y | |||||||
Building surveying | Y | Y | ||||||
Business improvement | Y | Y | ||||||
Cadastral surveying | Y | Y | ||||||
Certification | Y | Y | Y | |||||
Civic design | Y | Y | Y | |||||
Communications | Y | |||||||
Compliance | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||||
Contamination | Y | |||||||
Contract administration | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
Development | Y | Y | Y | |||||
Dilapidation | Y | |||||||
Disbursements | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Drafting | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||||
Due diligence | Y | Y | ||||||
Dust monitoring | Y | |||||||
Engineering | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
Engineering - Acoustic | Y | |||||||
Engineering - Civil | Y | |||||||
Engineering - Effluent | Y | Y | ||||||
Engineering - Geotechnical | Y | |||||||
Engineering - Hydraulic services | Y | |||||||
Engineering - Industrial design | Y | |||||||
Engineering - Marine | Y | |||||||
Engineering - Mechanical | Y | |||||||
Engineering - Mining | Y | |||||||
Engineering - Renewable energy | Y | |||||||
Engineering - Structural | Y | |||||||
Engineering - Surveying | Y | |||||||
Engineering - Traffic | Y | Y | ||||||
Expert witness | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Flooding | Y | Y | ||||||
Flora fauna surveys | Y | |||||||
Forensic | Y | Y | ||||||
Governance, social policy and tourism | Y | |||||||
Groundwater assessment | Y | |||||||
Groundwater monitoring | Y | |||||||
Impact assessment | Y | Y | ||||||
Mass transport | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
Master planning | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
Modeling | Y | Y | ||||||
Pedestrian modeling | Y | Y | ||||||
Planning | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
Policy | Y | |||||||
Project management | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||||
Rezoning | Y | |||||||
Risk management | Y | Y | Y | |||||
Soil assessment | Y | |||||||
Species impact assess | Y | |||||||
Statutory planning | Y | Y | Y | |||||
Stormwater | Y | Y | ||||||
Strata plans | Y | |||||||
Strategic planning | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||||
Surface water monitoring | Y | |||||||
Surveying | Y | Y | ||||||
Sustainability | Y | Y | ||||||
Valuation | Y | |||||||
Water quality assessment | Y | |||||||
Watercourses assessment | Y |
Tip: Disciplines are automatically added when a new organization is created. Use this default list as inspiration for what reporting or account mapping you require in your organization, and add extra items or delete / mark inactive the items as required.
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