Use the financials tab to get a quick snapshot of how each stage is progressing by comparing the fee value to budgeted value, invoiced value, profits, or costs.
Setup required before use | Who can use it? | Where is it? |
N / A |
Project manager* Director access Assistant administrator System administrator
*Project managers can only view standard costs. Directors and above can view actual costs. |
Open Project > Financials tab |
Actions available
The profit calculation requires the cost values, and will be altered based on which cost you have selected to view using the cost toggle - e.g. standard or actual cost. The profit values are calculated as:
- Profit = (invoice value - cost) / (invoiced value)
This is also known as Gross Profit. This is shown as profit in the project financials and in reports. - Markup profit = (invoiced value - cost) / (cost)
This is shown in Synergy reports only.
The stage concept design has an invoiced value of $14,000.00, with an actual cost value of $4650.00. The profit values are calculated as follows for this stage:
- $14,000.00 - $4650.00 = P / L $9350
- (($14,000.00 - $4650.00) / ($14,000.00) x 100) = Gross profit % of 66.79%
- (($14,000.00 - $4650.00) / ($4650.00) x 100) = Markup profit % of 201.08%
Tip: Markup profit is available in Synergy reports only. View the Gross profit in the project financials and in Synergy reports.
Review the table below to see how the results in each of the profitability views are calculated.
Profitability view | Revenue $ | Billable WIP | Revenue cost | WIP cost | Profit |
Profit including revenue | $5400.00 | n/a | $400.00 | n/a | $5400.00 - $400.00 = $5000.00 |
Profit including billable WIP and revenue | $5400.00 | $2742.50 | $400.00 | $2194.00 | $5400.00 + $2742.50 - $400.00 - $2000.00 = $5742.50 |
- Revenue = Original invoice value less any cancel or discount credit notes.
- Billable WIP = The sum of the charge value for transactions that are at WIP, or the cost of the transactions that are at WIP. Items in WIP are transactions at either WIP or Draft invoice status.
- The costs and profit change in the view to include or exclude the Billable WIP items.
- Revenue costs includes transactions that are at either invoiced status, or written off status.
Use the list views to alter which columns are shown in the list for the stage level financials. Select the 'default' view in the top left corner to see the other available views. The stage name is shown in all the views. The other available views alter the columns in the list.
- Switch between 'standard' and 'actual' costs using the toggle at the top of the page. Actual costs are only available to view for Director and System Administrator access levels. This applies to any list view where costs are shown. Learn more about this in the security matrix overview.
- Project financials show the 'gross profit'. Synergy reports show the 'markup' profit and the 'gross' profit (in columns labeled profit).
When a large number of stages exist use the search to limit the number of rows shown in the list.
Search by clicking the button and typing the keyword into the search box. To return to seeing all items in the list click the clear button in the search bar.
Tip: Learn more about searching with the list search or the global search.
Filter the list by selecting the search button. Select a filter from the drop down list and click the search button to apply the filter. The filter options are:
- Stage status - Limit the stages shown in the list by filtering on the stage status. e.g. View all stages at 'Active' status. Learn more about status options.
Tip: Return to the default view by choosing the clear button in the search bar.
Columns available
- Change the list view to alter which columns are shown in the financials tab of the project.
- Switch between 'standard' and 'actual' costs using the toggle at the top of the page. Actual costs are only available to view for Director and System Administrator access levels. This applies to any list view where costs are shown. Learn more about this in the security matrix overview.
- The gross profit is shown in the project financials tab, the profit margin is available to view in Synergy reports. Learn more about gross and markup profit calculations.
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