Create new invoice prefix
To easily reuse an existing invoice number, create a new set of invoice number with the prefix of 'CAN'.
Creating a new invoice number sequence with a different prefix will free up the original invoice number for use again.
Go to Organisation > Settings > Organisation > Invoice numbers > Add.
Make sure your new invoice number sequence matches the format as your default invoice numbers.
See example below:
Cancelling the invoice
Open the invoice > '...' > 'Credit or cancel invoice'.
Use 'Cancel the invoice' option.
Crediting and cancelling invoices should not be confused in Synergy.
Crediting an invoice keeps all transactions attached to the invoice and allows for discounting by a percentage or a dollar amount against any or all stages.
Cancelling will void the invoice and return all attached transactions back to WIP for invoicing again.
If changes need to be made on your invoice, such as; a different invoice contact or address, incorrect invoice date/period etc, cancelling the invoice is recommended.
Check the details > Save
Invoice is now cancelled > 'Close'.
You're now back on your invoice, and the status should show as 'Cancelled' and all your transactions are in WIP.
Before proceeding further, check if your now cancelled invoice exists within your financial system!
If you use our Xero, MYOB ARL or Quickbooks Connect feature, you MUST sync before proceeding to the next step to ensure that the cancellation credit is applied to the correct invoice.
After the cancellation credit is synced across and applied to your invoice, proceed with the steps below.
Modify the invoice number
Now go Project drop down > Financial > Invoices > click the edit icon in line with the invoice that was just cancelled > Modify.
The modify invoice screen will appear. Change the prefix from 'INV' to 'CAN' and save.
If your new invoice number sequence with the 'CAN' prefix was created correctly, this change will save correctly.
Synergy will warn you to check if the invoice is already in your financial system, proceed.
After you have changed the invoice prefix in Synergy and the original invoice was synced across with Connect, be sure to update the invoice prefix in your financial system to match.
If the invoice in your financial system is not updated, Synergy will not be able to sync the new re-created invoice across.
Re-create the invoice
Once the prefix has been changed, you can proceed and create an invoice with the usual procedures but including the new changes.
TIP: To ensure your invoice number counter remains consistent, manually enter the invoice number before you save your draft for the first time!
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